Des' Info
Des' Info

Hello, this is my info page. Here you'll find what interests me. For example, I like to do Computer Graphics, basically almost all the stuff here on my webpage I have created all on my own. I also like to do art with sketching, with pencils, coloured pencil crayons, markers, crayons, paints, etc. The kinds of animals that I like are cats- mostly Maine Coons for one of course, dogs, rabbits, fish, birds, horses, etc. I also like to go to movies- action, drama, and comedy, listen to music- hip hop, Greek, R&B, hang out with friends, and basically have a fun time. Books I like to read are mostly Anne Rice. The celebrity that I like is Tom Cruise. I am from Toronto, Ontario, Canada with a Greek background from Florina. I also like going on the Internet and chatting with people about anything. I have travelled to Cuba, Aruba, Florida and Greece. So, hopefully this will help you in finding out more about me. As you can see I have done this pic of me by using a computer graphic program called Corel and I have used a colour pic of me then I used a special effect in the program to see that it looks like me, but just a sketch. See you~~~

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