Fun Stuff Page Welcome to the Fun Stuff Page. I made this page, because well I wanted you people to have fun on it!:) (Only reason I could think of!), but seriously that is the reason I did this page. So, think, think and think some more. There there will be questions (quiz) about cats, symbols, links and more! Please do not cheat on the quiz, because we have know that old saying: CHEATERS NEVER WIN!. So, don't cheat yourself and try the quiz, hey if you have nothing better to do, then JUST DO IT! You might even have some fun doing it!:)
So, hope you have FUN here!:) Got any ideas for this page, email me! Thanx:) Quiz Questions: 1) Who's that famous lasagna eating cat? 2) Who's that famous black and white cat and also you can have him as a clock on your wall? 3) Why do cats chase mice? Here are some questions from my website ( find all the answers on my website) : 1) Why do people abuse animals? 2) What places have I been to and what's my background culture, where do I want to go to? 3) Who is Sailor Moon? 4) What is my favourite type of cat? 5) What are my clubs? 6) What kind of links are there in the links section? 7) Who are some famous cats? 8) What movies did Tom Cruise star in, get nomination(s), and what win what awards? 9) How many types of breeds of cats are there (including wild)? 10) Who are the people who are credited for my website, (graphics wise)? Symbols: Cat Symbols: =^*^= --> My own symbol I made up!:) =^00^= --> Cats and Kittens Club symbol, the club made up. =--= --> Another symbol Chat Icons (Symbols): happy :) sad :( big smile :D wink ;-0 frown :-( crying :'-( screaming :-@ yawning |-0 tongue-tied :-& bummed out ;-C surprized :-0 steamed ~:-| uh-oh :-0 raspberries :-P clown *:0) angel 0:-) dunce <:-| Sayings: furbabies--> cats with fur on them. Head butts and nose kisses--> sort of like saying goodbye, but in cat language:) (X's and O's). Answers: 1) Garfield. 2) Felix The Cat 3) Because, they were needed then to chase mice and they still do it on farms. Plus, they have the hunting instinct, because of their wild ansestors. On webpage answers: 1) Find answer on webpage, too many answers to answer here. To find it go to the Cats Page--> then to Abuse Page. 2) Places I have been to are on Travel Page, my background culture is Greek (also have a Greece Page). 3) Find answer on Sailor Moon Page. 4) Maine Coon. Find the answer on Cats Page. 5) Answers all on Clubs Page. 6) Look it up on Links Page. 7) Look on Famous Cats Page. 8) Find the answer on Tom Page. 9) Look for it on Cats Page 10) Me and CatStuff Graphics. HOPE YOU HAD FUN HERE!:) |
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