Famous Cats Hello there and welcome to the Famous Cats page. This page is dedicated to those famous cats, either from the movies, tv, commercials or whatever. So, here is a list and some pics of those famous cats!
Legend: m= male f= female "= repeating ?= unknown ( )= what their in This is how the order goes: Cat's Name, what their in, and colour of cat. 1) Hethcliff (m), Hethcliff cartoon (tv), orange + stripped 2) Jake the Cat (m), Cat From Outer Space (movie), abyssinian-> brown, + Lucybelle (f), white persian 3) Aristo Cats (m,f), Aristo Cats (movie), all kinds 4) Chessire cat (m), Alice in Wonderland (movie), grey with stripes 5) Siamese cats (?), Lady & the Tramp (movie) siamese cats= cream & brown 6) Oliver (m), Oliver & Company (movie), orange 7) Snowbell (m) + others, Stuart Little (movie), white persian, different kinds 8) Garfield (m), Garfield & Friends (tv), orange + stripped 9) Kit (?), Charmed (tv), tan 10) Salem (m), Sabrina the Teenage Witch (tv), black 11) Jinx (f), Meet the Parents (movie), himalayan (cream + brown) 12) Morris IV (m), Heinz spokescat (commercial), british/ american shorthair 13) Fancy Feast Cat (?), Fancy Feast (commercial), white persian 14) Tonto (m) , Harry & Tonto (movie), orange 15) Jingle Cats (m,f), Jingle Cats (CD), all kinds 16) Lion King Cats (wild) (m,f), The Lion King (movie), wild lions- orange, yellow, brown 17) Tigger (m), Winnie the Pooh (tv), wild tiger- orange + stripes 18) Luna, Artemis, & Diana (f,m,f), Sailor Moon (tv), black, white & grey 19) Cats (m,f), Cats Don't Dance (movie), white, orange 20) Hello Kitty (f), (tv, products), white 21) Figaro (m), Pinocchio (movie), white and black 22) Snowball I & II, Simpsons (tv), white & black 23) Leo, MGM Lion, wild lion- not sure? maybe yellow, orange & brown? 24) Billy the cat, cartoon (tv)?, might be European?, yellow, orange, black stripes 25) Poesie, cartoon (tv)?, might be European?, black & white 26) Cat from (movie) "That Darn Cat" (old & new movie), ? 27) ?, (movie) Men In Black, orange with space collar 28) Koko & Yum Yum, CAT WHO books, Siamese cats, m & f 29) Furball, Tiny Toons cartoons (tv), blue & white, m 30) Tom, Tom & Jerry cartoons (tv- warner bros.), red?, m 31) Scratchy, Itchy & Scratchy cartoons on the Simpsons (tv), blue?, m 32) Cats, cats from the upcoming CATS & DOGS (movie) Mr. Tinkles, other cats, white persian, russian blue, siamese, orange, etc, m, f. 33) Homey, Blind Date (tv), orange, (not really a famous cat, but he was on tv & I thought I would like to mention it), m. 34) Apricot, Gilmore Girls (tv)- neighbourhood cat, orange, f. 35) Mr. Bigglesworth, m, Austin Powers, Persian & Sphinx, white, tan. 36) Penelopy, f, Todays Special (tv), white Persian 37) ?, Kitty Cats (tv), calico, f, tabby, m 38) Cat Woman, f, Batman Returns (movie), black 39) Periwinkle, Blues Clues (tv), m, blue 40) Sebastin, Josie & the Pussycats, m, black & white 41) Pierre Trudeau's girlfriend's cat (Leona Boed), f, white 42) Bushkey, m, grey, Miss Kitty, f, The Amazing Kreskin (magician)'s cat 43) Angelica Pickles' cat, Rugrats (tv), white, f 44) Kitty Kitty Kittens (not exactly famous, but these stuff kittens have been on a commercial), different colours and genders 45) CatDog, CatDog (tv), yellow, part dog part cat, m 46) Sweet Pea, black & white, Jann Arden's cat (famous Canadian singer) 47) Mad Cat, Inspector Gadjet (tv), black and grey, m 48) Mr. Cat, Phyllis Diller's cat, m, abyssian, brown and black, front paws declawed:( 49) Kali the calico cat, Kurt Browning's cat (skater), m, calico 50) Jellybean, f/m, Malcolm in the Middle (tv), grey and white 51) Sagwa, f, brown and white, Sagwa the Siamese Cat (cartoon, tv), has a sister named Sigwa 52) Betty White's cat Bob-Cat, m, Himalayan, brown, black & cream 53) Ziefield & Roy's wild cats, white tigers & lions, m & f, wild cats 54) Beanie Baby Ty Cats, stuffed beanies, names: Zip, Nip, Chip, Snip, Pounce, Prance, Meow Pillow Pal, Silver, Amber, Starlett, Fraidy, Flip, Kaleidoscope, Kooky, Purr, Scat, Siam, Beani, etc. 55) Molly Ringwall's cat Tigerlily 56) Sammy who lives at the Chesire Hotel in the t.v. show Gilmore Girls 57) Jeanne Becker's cat Marcel, mixed breed 58) Snagglepuss, pink, t.v. show Yogi Bear 59) Tony the Tiger, breakfast cereal Frosted Flakes, orange and black striped tiger 60) Cat from the movie Cops and Robertsons, looks like a tabby cat |
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