My Dream Journal This is my Dream Journal and what personal dreams I have had. Here is the objects I have dreamed of.
A abode, abroad, abuse, accent, accident, aches, acrobat, actor- Tom Cruise, admire, affection, afraid, air travel, airplane, alarm alligator, altar, amateur, amusement, amusement park, anger, animals- corpse, antelope, ape, apparition, apples, appointment, arise, arm, aroma, arrive, Asia, assist, astrology, athletics, aunt, automobile, awaken, awe. B baby, baggage, bags- traveling, balcony, balloon, banana, bandage bank, barefoot, basket, bath, bathing, bathroom, bed, bedroom, beer, bees, beverages, bicycle, big cats, birthday, bite, black blackboard, blade, blasphemy, bleed, blond, blood- vomit, boat, bosom, bouquet- damask roses, boy, bravery, bread, breast, bride, bridge, brooch, brother- dead buildings, burglars, burial- coffin, bus, bust, butterfly, buttons. C cage- tiger, cakes, call, calm- ocean, camera, candle, candy, car, cards, Caribbean, cartoon, casket, caterpillar, cats, cave, ceiling, cement, cemetery, chalk, chapel/church, chase, chastise, cheat, chickens, children, china, Chinese, chocolate, choke, church, cinnamon, cleaning teeth, climb, clock, clothes, clothing (wedding), clown, cockatoo, coffee, coffin, college, collision, colours, companion, complain, complexion, confusion, convict, cookies, cornfields, corpse- grave, cosmetics, couch, cough, country, crash, craving, cries/crying, crime, crocodiles, crown, curse, cycling D dagger, dancing, danger, darkness, death/ dead, decorate, dentist, desk, dessert, detest, difficulty, dinner, disappearance, disaster, disease, disfigure, disgust, dive, dizziness, dogs, pups, dolphin, dome, door, dope, dragon, dreams, drink, driving, drowning, drugs dying. E earrings, eating- chickens, ecstasy, education, eggs, eight, elevator, embarrassment, embracing, emotion, employment, end, enemy, engagement, enjoyment, escalator, Europe, evening, evil, examination, eye, eyebrows. F face (in mirror), fall, family, fantasy, farm, fat, father, fear, feces, feet, fields- corn and cornfields, fingernails, fingers fireworks, fish and fishing, flavour, flight, floating, flowers flying (air travel), food, forehead, foreign, fountain, fox, friend(s)/ friendship, frightened, fruit, fun, funerals, furniture, future (predicting). G games, garage, garden, gems, genitals, Germany, ghost, gift, girls, glass, glow, goal, God, godparents, gossip, grandparents, grass, grave, Greece, Greek, green guest, gun, gymnasium. H hair, hairdresser, halo, hand, handbag, happiness, hat, hate, health, heat, hedge, height, hemorrhage, hero, high school, hills, home, hood, horror, hospital, hot dog, hotel, house, hugging, hunger, hurry, hurt, hyena. I ice, ice-cream, ideal, illness, illumination, impatience, incubus, infant, injury, inn, inoculation, instruments, insult, intercourse, island J jaws, jealousy, jewelry, joy, jumping. K kennel, kidnap, killings, kissing- forehead, kittens, knapsack, knife. L ladybug, lamb, lament, land- foreign, late, laughter, lawn, leap, learning, lessons, letter, lettuce, light, lips, lipstick, lock, loss, love, luggage, lust, luxury. M magician, mail, mailbox, makeup, man, manicure, mansions, maps, marriage, mask, meat, melody, mewing cats, mirror, mob, money, monkey, mosquito, mother, mountain-snow capped, mourning, murder, music- instruments, mystic. N naked, name, nausea, neck (kissing), necklace, needle, newspaper, night, nightgown, nightmare, noise, nudity, numbers. O occult, ocean, odor, office, oracle, orchestra, Orient, ornament. P pain, pal, palm tree, parade, parcel, parents, park, parrot, party, pastry, pasture, paw(s), pelican, penguin, perch, perfume, phantom, photography, pistol, plane, play, poison, pool, poor, potato, pregnancy, present, priest, profanity, pups, purple, purse. Q queen. R race, radio, rage, railroad, railway (subway), rain, rat(s), reception, red, reflections- mirror, relatives, religion, rescue, resort, rest, reunion, revolver, ride, rifle, ring (broken), rising, rival, road, robber, robbery, romance, room, roses, rotten, rouge, running. S sadness, salad, sand, sausage, scent- perfume, school teacher school-high school-youth in school, scratch- cats, scream, sea (calm, waves), search, sex, sexual organs, shadow, shoes, shop, sickness, sign, singing, sister, sky, sleep- bed, snow, sob, sorrow, spider, sports, squirrel(s), stairs, stilts,store, strangers, strangle, strawberries, streetcars, subway, summer, supper, swearing, sweet smell, sweet taste, swimming, sword. T teacher, tears, teeth, telephone, television, temper, test, thief, tiger, time clock, toilet, toothless, toys, train- railroad, travel, traveling- losing your way, trees, truck, tub, tunnel. U umbrella, underground- subway, urine. V vagina, valentine, vampire, vegetables, violence, vision(s), visitor, vomit, voyage. W wail, waist, walking, waltz, wash, water (drowning), web, wedding- bride, marriage, wedding clothes, weeping, whale,whip, whirlwind, white (apparel), wig, winter, witch, woman. X Y yearning. Z |