Cat Quotes
Cat Quotes

Here are some cat quotes, enjoy! If you have any cat quotes please email me. Thanx:)

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

Leonardo Da Vinci


I've been named Poosie, and
I am spoiled
Throughly, thoroughly spoiled, and I like it.
And don't let anyone tell you different.
I lie upon the softest cushions,
Under the downiest covers
And love every moment.
I get the cream off the top of the milk every day
And special double think, heavy on Sundays,
And I lap it up.
My owner is besotted.
She hugs and kisses me
And carries me around with her all day,
And talks to me and I enjoy it.
I'm spoiled rotten, and, friends,
That's the life.
Whatever I want, I cry for,
Crab, lobster, caviare, fish roes, sardines, fillet,
white meat of chicken,
You name it, she's got it,
I get it.
I don't want to work, or hunt.
If ten snow-white mice were to saunter past
my nose,
I wouldn't lift a paw.
And luxury loving.
Everything that comes my way I take,
And yell for more.
I'm spoiled useless.
I admit it.
And I adore it.

Paul Gallico (1896-1976)

Kitten Verses

A kitten with a length of string
Is such a pretty, playful thing.
A kitten with a leaf to chase
Exhibits beauty, form and grace.
But I love kittens curled up, wise
With ancient mystery in their eyes.

Salvatore Marsiglia

I wish she wouldn't ask me if
I love the kitten more than her.
Of course I love her-
But I love the kitten too, And it has fur...


I like little Pussy, her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her,
she'll do me no harm.
I'll not pull her tail, nor drive her away,
But Pussy and I very gently will play.

Source Unknown, c. 1843

Who Owns Who?

I'd like to think I owned the cat
That condescends to share my flat;
I give him of my rationed food
And cater to his every mood.
I'd like to think he'd go to seed
If I weren't there to meet his need,
And yet the fact is plain to see-
The pesky, doggone cat owns me!

Ruth M. Outwater

A cat's eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world.

Irish Legend

The last thing I would accuse a cat of is innocence.

Edward Paley (1786-1847)

Cats Sleep Anywhere

Cats sleep
Any table
Any chair,
Top of piano,
In the middle,
On the edge,
Open drawer,
Empty shoe,
Lap will do,
Fitted in a
Cardboard box,
In the cupboard
With your frocks-
They don't care!
Cats sleep

Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)

Cat's cradle,
Cat's slumber,
Soft slumber;
Sleep softly
All cats...

Paul Gallico (1896-1976)
Extract from "Sleep"

Cats, as a class, have never completely
got over the snootiness caused by the fact
that in ancient Egypt they were worshipped as gods.

P.G. Wodehouse (1881-1975)

If a fish is the movement of water
embodied, given shape, then cat is a
diagram and pattern of subtle air.

Doris Lessing, b.1919