Cat Breeds Here is some information about the
cat breeds. The Balinese cat, which was bred from Siamese cats in the United States, has a long, silky coat similar to that of Persian cats and an insistent voice like that of its Siamese forebears. The Balinese cat originated as a sport, or mutation, from the Siamese cat in the early 1950s, when some purebred Siamese produced long-haired kittens. The long-hairs bred true, and eventually the new breed was established. The Balinese has the same body conformation and color points as the Siamese but has a medium-long silky coat. The ears are large and the eyes blue. The Maine Coon cat appears in many colours, often displaying a raccoonlike striped tail. One of the largest of American cats, it may carry a weight of 13.5 kg (30 lb) on its broad "snowshoe" paws. The Maine coon cat is one of the oldest American breeds and is probably descended from long-haired Angora cats brought to New England by seamen. These Angoras randomly interbred with local short- haired cats and established the breed type. Some early settlers thought that the cat was part raccoon. The Maine coon cat is large, some weighing over 13.5 kg (30 Its coat, which may be any colour, is long and lies close to the body instead of away from it, as in Persian cats. ( My favourite type of cat!!! ) The Lynx Point, or Tabby- Point, shorthaired cat is one of three varieties of colourpoints. The colourpoint cat was developed from the Siamese and the domestic cats. The Abyssinian cat, a short-haired breed of domestic cat, is believed to be related to the cats depicted in ancient Egyptian art. The Abyssinian is a medium-sized cat with a triangular face, large pointed ears, lean body, and long tail. The almond-shaped eyes are hazel to orange, and the fine, short-haired coat ranges from light brown to silver. Each hair is ticked, or banded, with darker brown, gray, or black. The tail and ears are darker toward the tip. The red Abyssinian is a recognized breed. Despite its name, the Abyssinian probably originated in the upper Nile Valley and may be the closest living relative of the sacred cat of ancient Egypt. It differs from many cats in that it enjoys playing with water. The Manx cat has an arched back, double coat, and long, muscular rear legs. Although some have short tails, only the rumpy, or tailless variety (shown) is recognized as a show animal. The Manx cat, from the Isle of Man--which is situated in the Irish Sea between England and Ireland--is a tailless, usually double-coated breed of any colour. Because its hind legs are longer than its forelegs, the Manx has a sort of hopping, rabbitlike movement and appears to have an arched back. Taillessness does not breed true, and "stumpies," with very short tails, may appear in the same litter with tailless "rumpies." There also is a lethal factor associated with taillessness, and repeated breeding of tailless to tailless results in stillborn kittens. The most popular of the longhaired breeds, the Persian Cathas a massive head with large, widely spaced eyes. The Persian requires regular grooming to maintain its long, fine-textured coat. All longhaired cats are frequently, but incorrectly, called Persian cats or ANGORA CATS because two of the oldest and best-known types are known by those names. The coat of the Van, or Turkish cat, is less dense than that of the Persian. It is white with reddish markings on the head and tail and has a wedge-shaped head, with large ears. The Birman cat of Burma has a longer head and tail than the Persian. It has dark points on face, ears, legs, and tail, but its body is cream coloured and its paws white. Other longhaired cat breeds include the MAINE COON CAT and the BALINESE CAT and the HIMALAYAN CAT, both of which have Siamese-like markings. The Siamese one of the most popular breeds of cat in the United States, has blue eyes and colour points on its body. Siamese cats, a popular breed of shorthaired domestic cat, are small but muscular and agile, with a wedge-shaped head, slim legs, and a long, narrow tail. Their slanted blue eyes may be crossed, and they possess a range of striking cries. Born partially albino, grayish cream in colour, most Siamese develop "points," or darker colours, on their tail, muzzle, ears, legs, and feet: red (red point), dark brown (seal point), light brown (chocolate point), blue, gray, or lilac with a pink cast (lilac point). The Japanese Bobtail, Japan's traditional good- luck cat, is brightly coloured calico with a truncated "pom- pom" tail. The Japanese bobtail cat is an old breed unrelated to the somewhat similar Manx cat. Like the Manx, its hind legs are longer than the front ones, but when the Japanese bobtail stands relaxed, its hind legs are kept slightly bent so that the back is almost level. Its tail, never absent as in the Manx, is short, about 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 in) long. The bobtail's coat comes in a variety of colours, but in Japan the traditional Mi-Ke is a tricolour of black, red, and white. The Japanese bobtail cat was brought to the United States about 1968. The Himalayan cat is a crossbreed that combines the body shape and long hair of the Persian cat with the colouration of the Siamese. The Himalayan cat, or colour-point persian, is a recently developed breed. The head is broad and round; the face is short and the eyes large. The Himalayan is the product of many years of selective breeding to produce a cat with the cobby (stocky) build and long-haired coat of the Persian and the colouring and colour points of the Siamese. The rare and graceful Havana Brown cat, once considered a variant of the Siamese, has the Siamese's wedge- shaped head, slender legs, and svelte body. The Havana brown cat is a rare breed, mentioned periodically since 1894 as a variant Siamese. By 1958 the Havana brown was firmly established as a breed. It is short- haired and dark chocolate in colour, with green, oval eyes. The profile of the head is sloping and the tail is long. The body is muscular. The Exotic Shorthair is recently developed breed produced by crossing a domestic shorthair with a long-haired Persian. The exotic shorthair cat is one of the most recently accepted breeds in the United States. Its fur has Persian texture but is as short as that of the Abyssinian and will not mat. Colours are the same as for the Persian. The nose should be short and snub and the legs low. This cat is produced by breeding any shorthair, usually the American shorthair, with a Persian. The Burmese cat is a breed of domestic cat developed in the United States during the 1930s from a Siamese and a brown cat native to Burma. The Burmese cat is a shorthaired breed of domestic cat closely related to the Siamese but with a rich, sable-brown coat. (Burmese-Siamese hybrids are called Tonkinese or honey Siamese.) The body of the Burmese is compact and the head small and round. The eyes of the Burmese are golden or yellow; the large ears are narrow and long. The bones are as fine as those of the Siamese, and the hind legs slightly longer than the front legs. The tail is long and pointed and may be kinked near the tip. The Burmese is a playful and affectionate cat. The Turkish Angora, a new breed in the United States, has a regal appearance accentuated by its long body, plumelike tail, and long, fine hair. The term Angora cat once referred to a particular breed of long-haired cat thought to have originated in Turkey. By the 19th century, however, specific Angora characteristics had disappeared as Angoras were interbred with Persian cats. Persian then was used as the nomenclature for all long-haired cats. The Turkish Angora, a relatively new breed in the West, has been imported from Turkey and bred since 1953. It has a wedge-shaped head, silky white hair, and blue or amber eyes. The American Shorthair cat, popularly known as the tabby, was developed as a show breed for generations. The American shorthair cat, also called the domestic shorthair, was brought to North America from England in early colonial times. An excellent rodent killer and an intelligent, affectionate pet, it has been selectively bred to take top awards at cat shows. It has a large head, well-developed shoulders and chest, and powerful, rippling muscles. The tail is medium long, the coat thick and even. Popular colors include silver tabby, brown tabby, and red tabby. Other kinds of breeds Russian Blue, Birman, Korat, American Curl, American Wirehair, Bengal, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmilla, Chartreux, Colourpoint Shorthair, Javanese, Kashmir, York Chocolate, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Oriental (Shorthair) (Longhair), Ragdoll, Rex ( Cornish Rex ), LaPerm, Munchkin, Nebelung, Peke-faced Persian, Pixiebob, Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, Siberian, Sokoke, ( Devon Rex ), ( German Rex ), Selkirk Rex, Scottish Fold, Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphinx, Tiffany, Tonkinese, Turkish Van, Long Haired Cats, American Bobtail, Asian, Chantilly, Cymric, Egyptian Mau, European Shorthair, Exotic Longhair, Peterbald, Skookum, Sterling, European Burmese. Wild Cats Bobcat, European Lynx, Caracal, European Wild Cat, African Wild Cat, Black- Footed Cat, Jungle Cat ( Swamp Cat ), Serval Cat, Sand Cat, Chinese Desert Cat, Ocelot, Lions (several kinds ), Tigers (several kinds ), Leopards (several kinds ), Cheetahs (several kinds ). 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